Wednesday, December 15, 2010

things that make me happy.

I'm two finals away from being DONE with this semester. 
Hip, hip, HOORAY!

I wrapped some presents today and put them under the tree-- I LOVE presents under the tree, so homey and Christmasy. :)

Speaking of Christmas. It's only 10 days away!

In just a few short days we'll be sitting at my parents' house in Springville with the familia and the cutest kiddos on earth! So excited. 

Tyson is also two finals away from being done... but for him, it's really DONE. Way happy for my guy.

It's such a fun time of year and I love it so much! I've been trying to think of the real "reason for the season", our Savior. It's made a difference in the way I look at Christmas. It's something I hope to carry with me as the season comes and goes... I enjoy the peace it brings.

Life is good. Great, in fact. Or like one of my favorite Christmas classics, "It's a Wonderful Life!"

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