Tuesday, June 5, 2012

twenty-three years old.

Last week I turned 23.

Tyson made the day extra special. 
Starting with my favorite breakfast in bed.
Leading to a little gift, such as my favorite magazine or candy, every hour on the :23.
Then he came home from work with flowers.
Not to mention presents that night: new toms, a Polaroid camera and a photography book (that boy knows me well).
I don't mean to brag-- but really? He outdid himself and made me one happy birthday girl!

I can't believe I have been on this earth 23 years.

I met T. Perkes when I was just 19.
I got married when I was 20.

And now I am 23, about to become a mother.

Spending the year with my best guys.

23-- be good to me. Because I think you're going to be my favorite year yet!

baby & me on my day of birth.

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