Well hello outside world,
I have been consumed in a little thing I like to call school.
I will be ALL done on Monday, December 12th at approximately 7:00 p.m.!
And I cannot wait.
Then I can thoroughly enjoy the holidays with the husband.
We have decorated our house, which makes me happy (photos to come).
Although since this apartment is larger than our last, the decor looks more sparce.
BUT since we may not live here next Christmas, might as well wait to buy more! (Clearance after Christmas sales, anyone?).
I love this time of year for multiple reasons:
Gift exchanges.
Pretty trees!
Snow falling.
Hot cocoa!
And of course, remembering what Christmas is all about. Our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Every year I get so caught up in the commercial part of Christmas.
And every year, there is a moment that touches my heart and reminds me what this season is all about.
I also hold my family a little dearer to my heart. Spend a little more time just being with them. Because they are also what makes the holiday seasons special.
I love thinking about Christ, my big brother. So I just wanted to jot down how much he means to me. How he has changed my life forever and continues to every single. He's there for me in every step of the way. He leads me, he comforts me and he is near me when I allow him to be. He is the Savior of the world and without him, I would be lost. I want to keep remembering him, not only through this holiday season, but also through the rest of the year!
And to end, I must show this video. It's darling!
"Baby Jesus makes me happy!"